Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Times

2,500 years is a long time in human terms, and much has change since the days of the Buddha, Chuang Tzu, and Plato. Oddly enough though, when thought of in terms of humanity awakening to the true nature of individual existence, all the changes are superficial. The industrial revolution, the advances in medical knowledge, the broad scope of physical science: all of these things are superficial and unnecessary to the fact of coming of age as a child of the Universe.

All the progress we have made in understanding and manipulating the world around us tells us nothing about "what is the who".  The behavioral sciences are making excellent progress in elucidating the genetic imperatives of our humanity, but the fact that there exists the possibility of an evolutionary leap to a higher plane of existence is generally considered exotic nonsense. The Enlightenment which is transformation of being has been around for a long time, and some of those enlightened beings have given their lives to the attempt give others a hand up (with varying degrees of success). More often than not the teachings of these beings get turned into a belief system when what they were trying to do is build a tool kit to enable genuine transformation of being. Belief is a powerful attenuator of truth, leading to a situation where the message is obscured by worship of the envelope.

The fact is so simple, and so mind bogglingly self evident, that it is invisible. Or perhaps like cave fish the hardware necessary to sight just isn't there. In any case, there is nothing about the times in which we find ourselves that would interfere with answering this simple question.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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