Sunday, June 14, 2015

What is Buddhism

What is Buddhism.

Buddhism is many things to many people.

Ideas entangle reality on every imaginable level.

When that guy sat down: never to rise again unless he "got it".....
the thing that he "got" was not something new.

The thing that he got is available to any sentient being anywhere in the universe.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Buddha Nature

Buddha Nature is not a human phenomenon.

Buddha Nature is the essence of existence.

When Buddha Nature awakens in a sentient being that being is compelled to paste a word on it.

Rightly so.

The magic of word is a mystical transfer of truth.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Every Living Creature

The life in every living creature has been alive since the first replicating molecule. The mosquitoes, the flies, the tigers and the elephants: all exist in the same evolutionary time frame. No creature is more evolved or older than another. The earthworm in a garden is as evolved and as modern as we imagine humanity to be.

And when we swat a fly we end an unbroken flow of life that goes back to the dawn of time.