Thursday, December 27, 2012

Awareness, Memory, Epiphany, Contemplation

Science has created marvelous windows into the workings of the brain, but looking into the brain has yet to show us anything about the nature of awareness. We can see that problems in the tissue of the brain limit the potential of awareness just as flat tires limit the options of one driving a car. The behavior of a car with a flat tire tells us nothing about the driver.

We know that the experience of the moment is brought to awareness through the mediacy of electrical impulse in the brain. In memory it appears that awareness is reconfiguring a familiar pattern of electrical firing, as in revisiting a familiar place. Epiphanies occur when an alignment of familiar patterns reveals unexpected , yet obvious, previously unperceived patterns of existence. Epiphanies are true original thought.

Contemplation is not study, but study enriches contemplation. In contemplation such bits of knowing as we possess are tossed into the maelstrom of the mind to see what the magnetism of pattern recognition will configure. Epiphanies often occur at odd moments, for if the mind is seized upon something it is not available for exploration of the unknown or for the revelation of the unseen. Contemplation is a discipline which encourages the action of epiphany, and epiphany is the factual enlargement of consciousness.

Meditation is the mirror that awareness holds to its self that it might become self aware; and in becoming self aware, know the universe.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Untrained Animal Within

Something odd happened about 400 BC. Plato, Chuang Tzu, and the Buddha all emerge in the same era. For what ever reason Awareness awakened on planet Earth. This awakening has yet to become a dominant element in the course of human events, but the cosmic egg has been breached from within. Those who know, know what they know. Those who don't know, don't know they don't know. There is no other way for things to be.