Friday, May 29, 2015

The Acknowledgment of Life: Zen

One of the things remarkable about existence is that life exists. There is no explanation of life. There is some reason that atoms stacked properly should result in what we recognize as life: and we don't know what it is.

This is what Zen is all about.

Friday, May 22, 2015

From the Analects of Zen

From the analects of ancient Zen we have an account of a master passing an adept in the hall.

 (loosely paraphrasing)

The master...
"From your countenance I see that you have found the treasure"

The adept...
"But my happiness is that of one who found a precious gem beneath a pile of shit"

It took hundreds of millions of years to produce a stack of atoms capable of waking up. Because of the parallel explorations of secular science, we no longer have to describe the creature thus made inevitable as shit.

With regard to our humanity
be gentle.

Enigmatic Humor

Two monks passed in the hall

One said to the other
"what's new?"

Both laughed uproariously

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Negativity's Falcon

The mind is a matrix saturated with potential. The self-same matrix can arrange its character into an inconceivable array of emotional nuance in the same manner as a cloud. Now it's a dragon. Now it's a lamb. But the nature of the cloud remains the un-configured vapour from which figure is contrived. That vapour is Awareness.

Anyone beginning to become truly aware will find great value in taking notice of negative emotional states. As the practice of meditation enters into our normal waking existence we develop the ability to be aware in the moment of cloud formation inside the mind. It is always some perceived symbolic arrangement of reality that triggers such states, and this instinctual response is one that is coeval with the existence of the dinosaurs. These un-willed prods to behavior have great value in a pure Darwinian world, but they are right up there with vestigial tails when it comes to wagging the primordial dog. When the perceived shape of reality provides a catalyst the shape in the mist assumes its requisite form. If Awareness is the seat of identity this does not, and can not, go un-noticed. One can just say know.

Becoming aware of, and declining the formation of, archetype driven emotional states is the signature characteristic of a real evolution of being. It is as different from successful repression as life is from death. This is how Awareness becomes the falconer of mind.

The reason negative states are of particular value is that they are unpleasant and therefore easier to focus upon.

The difficulty of pleasant states is a subject for another post.