Saturday, October 12, 2019

Self Improvement

Self improvement. Just what are we improving? The self that excites the imagination of the sleeping creature that is the normal human being has limited claim to self at all.

What is the Who?

Self discovery will absolve the truth of our being from the burden of improvement.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Internal Affairs

Our inner state is not monolithic. There exist two distinct psychic entities the marriage of which results in what we call consciousness. One aspect of our inner life is ancient and one aspect is relatively young. The ancient aspect of what we imagine ourselves to be is Awareness free of all dispositions. The new aspect of our inner life is our humanity. Our humanity is a haze of dispositions.

That moment of existence which is experience, which says "I", is in fact simple Awareness. Awareness is usually found wholly identified with it's host: in this case, with it's humanity.

When Awareness begins to realize that it is being played, it spontaneously begins the arduous but enormously rewarding task of Self discovery.