Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Garden of Earthly Delights

A delightful experience awaits the diligent meditator. As awareness slowly (or quickly) gains primacy over consciousness the curtain of ignorance that protects the ego from its earthy roots is parted and the latent content of the unconscious mind is revealed in all its glory.

Almost all that we say "I" to is the result of an impersonal urge calling its self by our name.

The body is the magic carpet, and the mind is the wish fulfilling gem only if awareness makes it so.

A serious sense of humor is advised.

Destination . . .

cuffed in a smelly cab

and a lunatic behind the wheel

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Magical Thinking

Magical thinking has been around since thought first established its foothold in the human mind. Monastic traditions fall on both sides of the issue: some recommending magical thinking and some vigorously enjoining against it. We find in early Christian monastic disciplines a warning to avoid the temptation of "beauty". Perhaps a better word in modern parlance would be "glamour". This "beauty", this "glamour" includes visions, voices, representations of the unknowable: all of those intoxicating elements that might imply a subtile aggrandizement of our spiritual existence.

However, things are the way they have always been. There is nothing new or magical in magical thinking. Magical thinking creates a fertile field for the exploitation of mind by chaos, anarchy, and frivolous self absorption. There is no particular reason to go there.

Existence is just as it is and always has been. The intoxication of mind with "glamour" is a distraction that traps the individual in an historic pattern that is antithetical to the evolution of awareness.
