Sunday, September 16, 2018


We find the antique tribalism of human nature vulnerable to an appreciation of what could be called "PURITY". This "purity" expresses it's self as prowess in it's rainbow of manifestation. Prowess in action and prowess in inaction. The purity of religious zealots and the purity of athletic geniuses excite the same kind of fervor in vulnerable individuals. And this is because these achievements require the kind of purposeful self abnegation and purposeful self exploitation that admiring individuals find lacking in themselves.

This is all fine and dandy except that it leads to posturing and self inflation and a well deserved sense of failure.

Enlightenment is not about achievement

Enlightenment is simply recognizing what is.

Purity is a tortured path to oblivion paved with imagination.

The pursuit of excellence is, however, a different matter all together.