Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One Hand Clapping

It seems to me that awareness operates outside time, perhaps feeding upon time the way interstellar black holes mature; eating such mass as can influence. Or perhaps like some cosmic surfer, awareness harnesses the wave of Now. Moving in the Now for the rewards thereof, goal and balance are everything: the trout's small moves let the stream bring to it its desire.

In meditation there is the distinct awareness of existential motionlessness: something one might imagine as the state of existence before the creation of the universe. All is awareness: no mind, no matter, no energy. We return to the material world with an appreciation of the native power of inevitability, and with new apprehensions of utility.

The continuity of experience is an immaterial event . . . or perhaps one should say "non-material". We have, at this point in our understanding of the universe, no way to weigh awareness; no way to measure, to detect, no way to prove, or to capture the fact of awareness. We can measure electrical activity in the tissue of a brain, but in simpler life forms awareness exists independent of nerve tissue. So a mysterious "non-material" event happens to be the substrate of what "we" are as creatures with "personalities".

Why a mere stack of atoms should be able to ask anything at all is the right question to ask.

All things are happening or they don't exist at all. A rock on a Martian desert plain is happening. A single photon pressing through space on the other side of the universe is happening.

But what is the sound of awareness happening?

Rainy Drive to Town

inertia is more efficient
when less mechanical advantage is presented
to opposing forces

yesterday's verdant hills now blaze reds and golds
the damp sky billows gray

and how is it possible the sky could be so beautiful
or that the cry of the great flocks can be so new each fall

experience is beyond the reach of memory
for memory is an experience unto itself

the living instant of our experience is held by the senses
as a leaf holds the wind

experience nurtures and sustains us
as the sky supports the cloud

and although the fact precludes possession
in truth experience is all we own

experience is our source and our destination

it is this damp fall day

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Inevitability, Time, and the Law of Accident

Time is and is not. The stream of time is the same as the existence of mathematics; it is a utilitarian concept. The concept of time is an acknowledgement that all things are in flux, and therefore possess trajectories. If we take the existence of the universe all at once, every wave form is just where it is regardless of the rate of sequence in its existence. There is simultaneity of existence, but not of time. What really exist is Now, and Now is a system of ubiquitous pressure, everywhere in motion. "Now" is a roar without duration or cessation. If there is no awareness there is no time: there is a seethe of being, but that seethe of being is timeless.

Awareness seamlessly flows on the material Now giving rise to the illusion that Past exists: and of course nominally and colloquially it does. What this means for living creatures is that things done in this now will echo in our ensuing now, and no act is quite what it seems because the trajectories of existences that will impact the results of our actions in the flux of inevitability can not be known. The essence of "Good and Evil" concerns presumed outcomes, and well intended people are capable of great evil.

In meditation one sometimes has a feeling that might be likened to a boulder in a mountain stream: ones awareness is motionless and the flow of the stream of time around one is palpable.

Conscious Tillage of a Mystery

stampeding leaves herd

this way

now that

in search of some utopian frozen ground

wind waves crash
and pound
and hiss
and then recede

sharply as a hatchet lopping limbs
a crow call

the kettle hums a high note
the fire pops and cracks

smoke plows straight to ground
vanishing in silent impact

the inevitable rules by law of accident in fate's rich domain

conscious tillage of fate's field
is the one resource of destiny's slim province