Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Imagine That

The view that emerges with Enlightenment is beyond the reach of imagination, for imagination is left with shuffling the cards of the known. The world encountered with the dropping of the veils of creature hood and culture-ization is devoid of imagination. When Rinzai made his famous pronouncement "If in your travels you meet the Buddha, slay him." this is what he was referencing. You have an imagination about Buddha and about Enlightenment. This is an intractable impediment to freedom. And of course the popular imagining is of Enlightenment as something gained, rather than a catastrophic collapse of the psychology of adornment.

Its OK to be a human being. Humanity is the soil the Universe has gone to such lengths to cultivate that it might discover it's Self. When the ancients said "Even the rocks and trees will become enlightened" they meant it.

Many are called, few are chosen, and that's OK. Imagination is the perfect armor against the Real, and is the core of civilization as we know it: the wish fulfilling gem is in the hands of naive children and dangerous adolescents.

"Meditation is the brick with which we knock at the door."