Monday, November 30, 2015

The Method

There are many established techniques regarding meditation. One size does not fit all and some are more suited to a particular mind set than another. Any system using the breath is a good place for a beginner to start, but once one's practice is established I recommend "The Contemplation of Awareness".

The "Contemplation of Awareness" is the very essence of simplicity. One simply turns one's consciousness to the contemplation of Awareness. Awareness is simply aware, and since thought is a crystallization of consciousness it is immediately noted as a disruption in-and-of the field of pure Awareness and is permitted to dissolve back into the matrix of the undefined. The fruition of this technique is a remarkable lucidity: wholly aware, wholly sensitive, wholly at one.

The establishment of pure Awareness within one's self is not an end.

It is a beginning.

November 30

Geese today

Thousands of them
Half seen gray ghosts
Coursing that gray mist above

In flight so low the roar of their wings was a song

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

An Exercise in Problem Solving

Every creaturely form is no more than a support system for Transcendental Awareness. This Awareness is intricately entangled in the instinctual mental and physical behaviors that have made its existence inevitable.

The Awareness exists in something of a trance, wholly identified with its archaic form; but in creatures with sufficient cranial acumen there exists an outside chance for an event that is as if the clay in a figurine were to awaken.

All of the problems facing humanity, large and small, are the direct result of the writhing of confused animals. And all of the problems facing humanity, large and small, are fairly simply solved by the unhurried application of an Awareness that is not in thrall to its archaic superstructure.

The clumsy efforts of humanity to sort out the mess it has made will never be adequate to the magnitude of the mischief the creature is capable of. Enlightened Awareness is capable of causing these problems to evaporate like rain on a sunlit sidewalk.

But that's not going to happen

Is it.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Deciding How to Be

Almost without exception no-one decides how to be. We are born into a "culture" and we are expected to play our part. There is nothing sacred about "culture". The sacred is both beyond and beneath culture. The sacred is the inexpressible truth of existence in its most infinitesimal reality.

No idea is adequate to fact of existence, and anyone pasting an idea on existence is either misguided or a charlatan or both.

Zen makes no excuses for existence.
Zen encourages the cultivation of intelligence without resorting to stereotypes.
Zen transcends even Buddhism its self.

If we could "decide" how to be, would we make of ourselves a Mahatma Gandhi or a Jessie James or something in between.

We will never know because are unable to transcend culture and are trapped within our limited minds.

Zen transcends culture.
