Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Humanity and Our Birth: live it up

When I look back on these posts I see that many might seem hostile to human nature. If it seems so it is time to correct the record.

Would a flower defame the soil that made it's existence inevitable?

Is any savor lost in understanding the mechanics of neural transmission?

Enlightenment does not result from successful resistance to nature. Enlightenment is nature awakening to its Self.

Enlightenment is the fruition of the birth of the universe.

And some celebration is in order.
Live it up.
(in an enlightened sort of way of course)

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Inestimable Value of Emptiness

Every animal has needs. The emotionally charged behaviors that accompany these needs predate self awareness and intellect, and usually pass as willed self-directed actions. For an intellect dominated by the shadows of animal needs the mind becomes a torture chamber and a trophy room.

A mind filled with cherished forms can not perceive the shape of the actual, for in such a mind the actual must be deformed if it is not to displace the ornaments of our inner life. This is what Lin-chi (died 866) was getting at with his "If you meet the Buddha slay him".

In meditation we cultivate the spacious realm of Emptiness. An awakened emptiness is the requisite state for any apprehension of the real.

There is no other.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Meditation and Narrative (what if)

All but without exception communities embracing meditation will expound a narrative. Suppose the narratives evaporated in the heat of idological ferment and all that was left was meditation.

What if meditation was the key and the decorations a distraction.

What if.

Real Politic

Real is that which is immediate.

All over the world millions of creatures are enduring lives of empoverisment. The toll exacted upon life by modernity is not merely wreaked upon the disenfranchised of humanity, but is ten-fold visited upon those creatures that are of no apparent value to the masters of world mercantile.

In an odd kind of way this is not an individual flaw. We now have ways of looking into the brain that explain mechanicaly much of what has long been thought of as being mere psychology.

Sociopaths can be now be identified by early childhood screening and recognized as special needs children. Recognizing the vulnerabilities of these individuals would perhaps "perhaps" mitigate their inherent parasitism, and having been diagnosed as genetic sociopath perhaps it might be agreed that these indiviuals should never hold positions of authority of any kind.