Saturday, September 03, 2011

Grandfather Trees, Chain Saws, Dozers: and Happy Endings

Aboriginal cultures often have aspects of their norm which translate as "grand-father-tree". A real grandfather-tree is that tree that had the big tree thing going a thousand years before your grand father was conceived. Your people are the people of the tree??......oh...the movie... . But if you haven't seen the movie even better, because without the story line we see just the exploitation of impotent-fact-people by omnipotent-fact-people: and the only difference between them is modernity and money. The difference between power and the powerless is these days measured in fiat currency.

Humanity as being must enter into symbiosis: eschew parasitism, elitism, envy, enmity; and with forethought and knowledge enter into husbandry of life on earth.


We're doomed

Caesar's Lies

render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's

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