Friday, September 28, 2007

The Chicken, the Egg, and Virgin Birth

Just for the fun of it let’s conduct a little imaginary experiment. Let’s take a cubic meter of space and shield it from all penetrating particles and all pervasive waveforms, then let’s identify and remove all bits of anything that exist within our test cube. What we have now is a cubic meter of nothing. And not your garden-variety colloquial nothing, but the real thing: real nothing. Our defined space is wholly empty: but there is room only for what will fit within it; the gorge point at present would seem to be matter at the state found in the interior of black holes.

There has to be nothing or there wouldn’t be room for anything (this was pointed out to me by my precocious daughter at age six). The presence of anything defines space, and perhaps defined space is the ultimate nature of everything. Absolute nothingness is devoid of properties, and string theory could be described as nothing achieving propertyness. As to why it would do that, well that is another question….perhaps it was bored.

Absolute nothingness has no dimensions, no time, no space. And all it takes to create an eternity of endless space is for the merest infinitesimal something to take form. Everything that exists (including an idea) has the true measure of its existence only when compared to Nothing.

So it is obvious that Nothing, in the first Virgin Birth, was somehow pregnant with Space-Time. And the rest is history.

The Real Non-verbal World

There is no real non-verbal world
Of which no accurate pronouncement can be made

With conjecture or without
The stone falls
No contradistinction left or right
Anymore than up

And though the illusion that opposites exist
Will serve as fact of common sense
The properties of all things and phenomenon
Are not
And cannot be
They exist not in contrast

Everything that exists
Exists at once
And all movement in this net of simultaneity
Called the Universe

Is some degree of lateral

In the real non-verbal world


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