It is useful to think of the experience of being as a hydraulic process. The fluid in the hydraulics of being is awareness, and the central issue is "is the fluid aware, or is it not". In the more primitive organisms impulse rules the flow of awareness. Intuition requires an associative awareness function. A fly intuits the jeopardy of a coming swat and impulse does the rest. Discipline is that situation where awareness is capable of resisting the flow of impulse and intuition in order to perform some self imposed behavior.
The supreme value of meditation is the potential of meditation to awaken awareness from the darkness of animal fascination. Animal fascinations do not lose their efficacy when the fluid of awareness becomes self aware: on the contrary; the simple pleasures of animal fascinations are the foundation of art and science. Intuition, on the other hand, is remarkably quickened in the awakened awareness. The awareness that is not identified with its path it is more sensitive to the gravitas of its flow, and therefore awake in the moment of intuited perception. Discipline is negative or positive according to its ability to better the life of the disciplined. Neurosis is an example of the mis-application of discipline.
The what that is the who of what we are is simple awareness. All of the problems of the world are at this point directly related to the categories of awareness at flow in humanity. The only thing that can save the world from the unleashed libido of the human race is enlightenment, and meditation is the discipline capable of redirecting the flow of human awareness.
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