Thursday, May 03, 2012

Awareness, Thought, Instinct, Brain

Any successful meditator will discover for themselves that we are not our thoughts. Well then, what is the the who to whom thoughts occur. It appears to me that the awareness which possesses the imprimatur of "I" is a field phenomenon: probably one made inevitable by the behavior of electrons in the outer electron shields of complex molecules. I haven't heard a more convincing or logical theory, so mine will do as well as any I've encountered.

It is known that electrically stimulating specific sites in the brain will excite specific categories of experience. The fact that with practice we can control our thoughts is an indication that awareness navigates the brain and draws electrical attention to the patterns of configuration that will produce the desired thought.

Instinct must project into experience if it is to effect behavior, and instinct is woven into the physical structure of the brain. If we imagine the brain as a vast interconnected waterway with flow patterns and tides, we will detect preexisting canals and rivers that direct the flow of electrical activity. This is instinct.

Awareness is all, and everything else is fluff. The good that brings happiness is like a chess game between awareness and instinct. A game in which the supreme outcome is win-win.

There are many meditation forms with variously described efficacy. I suggest "The Contemplation of the Void". The contemplation of the void is the contemplation of awareness, and can result in what one might call "The Awakening of the Intelligence". When the field phenomenon known as "awareness" becomes self aware, a little bit of the universe has met its maker.

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