Monday, June 20, 2011

A Swig From the Bottle While Admiring a Spoon Collection

There exists a pervasive difficulty with technologies of being. Most (if not all) individuals first encounter these technologies in the guise of religion which leads the affected person to identify the benefits of the discipline with an efficacy of religion. I suppose this is to be expected of the emergent state in which we find mankind, but it is rather like attributing the power of medicine to the spoon.

If we distill the "spirit" from juices of fermentation we will end up with the same chemical intoxicant regardless of the nature of the original ferment, because ferment produces alcohol. It is just fine to prefer brandy to whisky, and with a bit of sugar either will ease a cough regardless of the picture engraved on the handle of the spoon.

Enlightenment is the product of ferment within an individual. After his satori Lin Chi (died 867) is supposed to have said "So after all, there isn't much in the Buddhism of Huang Po (died 850)", where upon he immediately returned to his master. It was also Lin Chi who, when himself the master, said "If in your travels you meet the Buddha, slay him."

It is appropriate and good to respect the antique forms in which high truths were first revealed to humanity. And it is absolutely necessary to apply the ensuing evolved technologies of being to our person.

A chain of gold will do as well as one of iron if we are to be imprisoned.

The Pole


knowledge of esoteric fact
and possession of technique
are as different as roast beef from a photograph


of silence
a reflection
will never be the silence
and the power of evocation is that of resonance

expression transforms and is transformed
but noble ideas
numerous as all the sands of all the deserts in the universe
do not weigh as much as one single noble act


to thrive all seeds must have a matrix

a man may climb to the top of a pole one hundred feet
and there stand on his head for a week

that is all very nice

but he should proceed from there
and manifest his entire body in every quadrant of the universe

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