Human motives are quite small. There is no behavior without motive, be it smoking a cigarette or zazen. Motives are small; tiny, all but infinitesimal cues that animals get from environment. These little cues are writ large in the stuff of life and death. Motives are the result of consciousness growing into animal form over hundreds of millions of turns 'round the sun. You don't think your self up. Your self happens to you because of the myriad tiny things that humanity makes conscious in a Darwinian social-circumstance sort of way.
There is, of course, growing to the light.
Selflessness is not without self.
The Soul of Things
as if upon one knee in prayer
the rust-roofed barn sinks through the years
back to the dust from which it sprang
where cats once stalked mice that stole the draft horse grain
owls now freely wait for rats that secret acorns
beneath a steel wheeled tractor's rust pitted cowl
as dust will in a vortex all things coalesce
and then like dust by wind they are dispersed
to leave no trace
for no mark made upon the earth
will survive the earths evaporation
not in matter
but in mystery
lies the soul of things
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