It seems to me utterly ridiculous that the question of “Free Will” is still batted about. Will always has an object. We don’t decide what is important to us: and what is important to us determines saints and sinners. Will always serves something and in best case desires dignity, not freedom.
No one does anything of free will because there is no such thing. If nominally we wish to create such a category that’s fine, and we all know what we’re talking about. But those who commit heinous acts are those in whom will is the least free. The inability to exercise freedom with dignity justifies freedom being taken away.
There is willing freely, but there is no free will: those in whom will has abandoned humanity have no right to the term.
Possessing the Will
The painting is not in the brush
Nor music in the lute
Or books in the pen
It is not the hand that builds
Nor is it the mind that thinks
But that will is turned to these ends
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