Thursday, February 06, 2025

The Ascent of Awareness

One of the great visionaries of the 20th century postulated what he called the Omega Point. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (d.1955) saw the inevitable product of evolution as the Universe awakening to its Self with mankind as the vehicle realization. He called this awakening the "Omega Point" The Omega Point is a line drawn in the sands of time. On one side of the line we find sleeping humanity as an intelligent animal, and on the other side of the Omega Point we find humanity as Awake. The child of the Earth has become the child of the Universe.

The Omega Point is attained individually. And with this in mind we can see that for thousands of years an individual here or there has crossed over. Pierre Teilhard saw that the cumulative press of knowledge, and in particular the sophistication of language, would inexorably lead life on earth to realization. Zen is an emergent laborer in this work of Awakening.

This is happening all around us as we speak, and the work is increasingly critical, for it must be admitted that by-and-large the spectrum of humanity which thinks it runs the world is populated by unenlightened monkeys (not that there's anything wrong with that).

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