Consciousness is individual and Awareness is Universal. The Awareness of any organism comes on board with what might be called genetic memory. Built into the fabric of the physical form is a time tested preprogram about which (in the case of human beings) the personality coalesces. In the same way as each unique snowflake spontaneously forms around its impersonal core, the consciousness individuates upon a core of predetermined impersonal inclinations. Should that Awareness which is the substance of consciousness awaken, it becomes obvious that the behavior patterns which are the stuff of the personality are ephemera caught upon a framework of instinctual inclination: impersonal and not discardable. We do not choose these inclinations anymore than water choses to run down hill. In all creatures the I AM says "I" to the impersonal sway of instinct.
If the mind of a lion should awaken it would still be a lion.
An ancient master remarked that "Stubbing your toe in the dark, and stubbing your toe when you can see around, are miles apart."
The general admonitions concerning kindness and consideration extend to the Self.