Friday, June 07, 2024

Technologies of Being

The potential of any human being to fully explore the opportunities presented by existence is limited by access and exposure to technologies of being. Public schools and universities are examples of societies attempt to cultivate a citizen that is productive and reliably civil, but these institutions of domestication stop very short of accessing the more esoteric venues of human potential.

Religions as generally found are emergent technologies of being: prescribing how to be in order to determine what will be. And then there are the myriad, often exotic, mystery schools with varying claims on personal evolution. Again, all of these are technologies of being.

I am now in my eightieth year. From earliest childhood I had wondered "What is the Who", and had searched the lore of self discovery seeking a means: to discover a true ray of light and to follow that ray to its source. That was my purpose.

Everyone was selling something.

The Zen of the patriarchs is not selling anything. The Zen of the patriarchs is a technology of being which enables the relaxation of any second order edifice of identity. The Zen of the patriarchs is a technology of being which makes possible the awakening of Pristine Awareness: the Who of all living creatures.

In meditation simply let consciousness contemplate Awareness.

The obvious will become apparent.

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