Sunday, May 19, 2019

What is the Sexual Who

One of the difficulties elucidated in "The Ten Bulls" is the arduously achieved recognition of the collective-unconscious by that Awareness which is the true Self and the essence of all life, individual and collective. This Awareness made inevitable by our existence has no gender, has no opinions, has no habits. The creature-hood made inevitable by the structure of our antique brain is the domicile of the ancient scarecrow in whose psychological cloaks Awareness will drape its Self. We do not choose these things. The collective-unconscious is the template about which Awareness explains and arranges its experience. This is wholly impersonal, and when we innocently subscribe to the sway of the collective-unconscious, Awareness is hostage to the blind forces of nature: once again individually and collectively.

The un-enlightened, say "I" to these impersonal forces. "I" feel this. "I" am that. The "I" which is subject to these forces is the product of these forces in a self-reinforcing spiral of hypnotic fascination.

The great Awakening does not dispel the animal. The animal is the ride. Riding while asleep is almost certain to achieve less than optimal denouements.

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