Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Be Careful What You Wish For

The highest fruits of Zen Buddhism transcend the human surface of our existence, and if you wish to preserve  your "humanity" don't mess with it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Self Improvement

Self improvement. Just what are we improving? The self that excites the imagination of the sleeping creature that is the normal human being has limited claim to self at all.

What is the Who?

Self discovery will absolve the truth of our being from the burden of improvement.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Internal Affairs

Our inner state is not monolithic. There exist two distinct psychic entities the marriage of which results in what we call consciousness. One aspect of our inner life is ancient and one aspect is relatively young. The ancient aspect of what we imagine ourselves to be is Awareness free of all dispositions. The new aspect of our inner life is our humanity. Our humanity is a haze of dispositions.

That moment of existence which is experience, which says "I", is in fact simple Awareness. Awareness is usually found wholly identified with it's host: in this case, with it's humanity.

When Awareness begins to realize that it is being played, it spontaneously begins the arduous but enormously rewarding task of Self discovery.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Ten Bulls and C. G. Jung

For those serious about Self discovery a survey of the work of Carl Jung is indispensable. His explications of the nature of the Collective Unconscious is a Grey's Anatomy of the process described in "The Ten Bulls" of Zen.

If we had a psychotropic transparency of the transformation described in "The Ten Bulls" and overlaid this with the awakening of Awareness accompanying realization of the Collective Unconscious as detailed by Jung, we would find total congruence. The bull is no less than the archaic structure upon which the personality is draped. The normal state of Awareness in any creature is total identification with the animal. The Awareness which is the essence of all life is totally hypnotized by instinct and says "I" to the impersonal antique prods of the form it inhabits. Physically. Emotionally. Intellectually. Awareness is possessed by the archaic tropisms of the animal.

All this would be just fine were we not so dangerously effective in all that we do.

Enlightenment is the second birth.

Enlightenment is that creature born of earth becoming a child of the Universe.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Signal to Noise


The vast majority of what passes through the human mind is instinct driven noise. The unaware individual innocently says "I" to the noise in their head leading to the world as we find it.

Oh well.

Having surrendered autonomy to instinct, Awareness is seduced by consciousness.

We find almost no other configuration.

Monday, August 05, 2019

The Animal and Zen

The animal is the ride, and it's a good ride, if you are born in the right place at the right time. But the animal is a provisional truth. How is one to call to those born into this barnyard to realize themselves at more fundamental level of existence.

Hans Christian Anderson in his simple parable "The Ugly Duckling" relates the evolution of those for whom realization is inevitable in wonderfully succinct terms, but I don't know of a nuts-and-bolts how-to guide for the mystified beginner.

Those who "see" are freaks from earliest childhood and will suffer the abysmal self doubt made inevitable because they are surrounded by the bizarrely self-confident blind.

Zen (the Zen of the patriarchs, not the Zen of religionists) is the only system I have found that leads to the wellspring of being.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Enchantment and "The Ten Bulls"

The chrysalis of creature hood is spun in forms of enchantment. Enchantment is necessary to the perpetuation of form. Form is the womb of all becoming.

When that Awareness which is the essence of all life matures to the state of self recognition it is called Enlightenment.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Tyranny of Ideas

There is no way to express the tyranny of ideas, for we are left with ideas as a mode of expression. Even Buddhism becomes a matrix of ideas. So we prostrate ourselves before wrenches and screwdrivers.

Hence the exotic ways of the ancient masters.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Creations of the Mind

When at last the obvious becomes apparent it will not be a creation of the mind.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Samadhi's Revelation

We return from that Samadhi where in our humanity has been successfully sublimated. Having been naked before the Universe we understand our humanity and our existence by having been to the wellspring of being.

If there were words to describe colors to the blind this could be aptly described.

Consciousness on the part of creatures large and small is inevitable, natural, and dis-associative. The very nature of creature-hood requires of Awareness a focus making inevitable the sense of individuation. The emergence of "I" from the field of Awareness is necessary to the survival of any living organism. And it is wholly to be expected that this dis-associative natural fabrication should dominate the sense of being.

Those who wish to live from the un-carved block of their being have only to slip the leash of consciousness in awakened full Awareness.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

What is the Sexual Who

One of the difficulties elucidated in "The Ten Bulls" is the arduously achieved recognition of the collective-unconscious by that Awareness which is the true Self and the essence of all life, individual and collective. This Awareness made inevitable by our existence has no gender, has no opinions, has no habits. The creature-hood made inevitable by the structure of our antique brain is the domicile of the ancient scarecrow in whose psychological cloaks Awareness will drape its Self. We do not choose these things. The collective-unconscious is the template about which Awareness explains and arranges its experience. This is wholly impersonal, and when we innocently subscribe to the sway of the collective-unconscious, Awareness is hostage to the blind forces of nature: once again individually and collectively.

The un-enlightened, say "I" to these impersonal forces. "I" feel this. "I" am that. The "I" which is subject to these forces is the product of these forces in a self-reinforcing spiral of hypnotic fascination.

The great Awakening does not dispel the animal. The animal is the ride. Riding while asleep is almost certain to achieve less than optimal denouements.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

What Do People Want

What ever they want it is it is certainly not Enlightenment. There is too much to lose and Nothing to gain. The normal mind has absolutely no awareness of it's investment in cultural trivia and biological make work. And that's OK. Most human beings are unprotesting, hardworking, innocent examples of animal nature. They expect and wish for no more. Sharing the instinctual attitude of all mammals is absolutely without blame. It is what we are and it would be grossly fascistic to expect otherwise.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Imagine That

The view that emerges with Enlightenment is beyond the reach of imagination, for imagination is left with shuffling the cards of the known. The world encountered with the dropping of the veils of creature hood and culture-ization is devoid of imagination. When Rinzai made his famous pronouncement "If in your travels you meet the Buddha, slay him." this is what he was referencing. You have an imagination about Buddha and about Enlightenment. This is an intractable impediment to freedom. And of course the popular imagining is of Enlightenment as something gained, rather than a catastrophic collapse of the psychology of adornment.

Its OK to be a human being. Humanity is the soil the Universe has gone to such lengths to cultivate that it might discover it's Self. When the ancients said "Even the rocks and trees will become enlightened" they meant it.

Many are called, few are chosen, and that's OK. Imagination is the perfect armor against the Real, and is the core of civilization as we know it: the wish fulfilling gem is in the hands of naive children and dangerous adolescents.

"Meditation is the brick with which we knock at the door."

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Meditation as Field, Zen as Flower

It is not uncommon that an individual experience a spontaneous breakthrough to Awareness only to lose that opportunity for a shift in being, in a drift back to normalcy. They had an "experience". For what ever reason they slipped into the experience of a higher reality. This "experience" is remembered like a dream, and they go on about their lives unchanged.

Meditation is a preparation just like the tilling of a field. Without the cultivation of emptiness the natural press of creature hood will subsume the seeds of Enlightenment when they spontaneously emerge.

An ancient master once remarked "Meditation is the brick with which we knock at the door".

Monday, March 18, 2019


There are several threads that run concomitantly in stitching the fabric of history. It is no accident that mankind is the most successfully violent creature on earth. And it is also inevitable that the intelligence fueling that violence evolve to the state of self contemplation.

It is thought by some that the reason we hear no voice when we listen for a call of life from distant stars is that those creatures aggressive enough come to dominate their home planet destroy themselves as soon as they have the necessary technology. Be that as it may, it can be seen that as that intelligence which fuels violence sprung from the darkness of the earth swells to it's crescendo, a counter punctual light of self realization, spontaneously struck by that same intelligence, begins to glow.

That glow is the universe awakening to its self. We call it Enlightenment.


Friday, March 01, 2019


All existence is material existence: a  stone, an electromagnetic wave, an idea: material existence. The material existence which is the fabric of the universe exists in sublime simultaneity. The field of play of this sublime simultaneity is nothingness. All things are enfolded in nothingness, and therefore in communion.


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Time of the Seasons

All creatures have a time of seasons within a season. In our season as human creatures we will experience the seasons due our humanity and within that ebb and flow, mature according to the sway of fate and destiny.

We find in some creatures a culture passed down through generations that cannot be recreated whole cloth anew. When mountain goats were reintroduced to precipitous environments from which they had been extirpated the results were disappointing. They fell to their deaths. It was discovered that mountain goats "learned" the mountain from their forbearers, and that without such learning the mountain was as treacherous for them as for any other newcomer.

With the advent of written language and the technical advances of publishing, the wisdom accrued through all of the seasons of humanity is available to almost anyone. It is to fate and destiny which narration of path will strike a chord in the season of a given individual.

The path leading to the awakening of Awareness is seldom trod, and for those with talent and potential there are many diverting byways in which to pass the sunny days of one's season.

And after all, Time is the first and foremost illusion.

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Problem With Enlightenment

The problem with enlightenment is that it means what ever the user of the word wants it to mean. When we speak of the Supreme Enlightenment which is the awakening of Buddha Nature, the problem with enlightenment is that aspirants imagine themselves becoming spiritually accelerated people. The fact is that their imaginings are like unto a driver imagining him or her self as a fancier car.

The problem with Enlightenment is that what has become known as Buddha Nature transcends not only our humanity, but our existence as animals.  So how is an animal that imagines Enlightenment as an adornment to it's humanity ever to cross to the other shore?

An ancient Master once remarked that it is like a mosquito trying to pierce an iron bull. He then went on to describe how simple it is.

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Default Settings

Emotions provide the default settings for animal interactions. Less intelligence is required of their state, thus their limited intellect is usually sufficient to flow into a resolution of what ever situation has aroused a spontaneous emotional response. Most humans exist at this same primitive level of problem solving.

Emotions are a powerful smokescreen when it comes to the magic of intuition.

The coldest measure of this observation that I have found in the literature is this comment by an ancient master.

"The mind should be like a withered stick."