Wednesday, November 25, 2015

An Exercise in Problem Solving

Every creaturely form is no more than a support system for Transcendental Awareness. This Awareness is intricately entangled in the instinctual mental and physical behaviors that have made its existence inevitable.

The Awareness exists in something of a trance, wholly identified with its archaic form; but in creatures with sufficient cranial acumen there exists an outside chance for an event that is as if the clay in a figurine were to awaken.

All of the problems facing humanity, large and small, are the direct result of the writhing of confused animals. And all of the problems facing humanity, large and small, are fairly simply solved by the unhurried application of an Awareness that is not in thrall to its archaic superstructure.

The clumsy efforts of humanity to sort out the mess it has made will never be adequate to the magnitude of the mischief the creature is capable of. Enlightened Awareness is capable of causing these problems to evaporate like rain on a sunlit sidewalk.

But that's not going to happen

Is it.

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