There are many established techniques regarding meditation. One size does not fit all and some are more suited to a particular mind set than another. Any system using the breath is a good place for a beginner to start, but once one's practice is established I recommend "The Contemplation of Awareness".
The "Contemplation of Awareness" is the very essence of simplicity. One simply turns one's consciousness to the contemplation of Awareness. Awareness is simply aware, and since thought is a crystallization of consciousness it is immediately noted as a disruption in-and-of the field of pure Awareness and is permitted to dissolve back into the matrix of the undefined. The fruition of this technique is a remarkable lucidity: wholly aware, wholly sensitive, wholly at one.
The establishment of pure Awareness within one's self is not an end.
It is a beginning.
November 30
Geese today
Thousands of them
Half seen gray ghosts
Coursing that gray mist above
In flight so low the roar of their wings was a song