Friday, August 08, 2014

Many Mansions

A fellow named Maurice Nicolle (1884-1953) used to go on at some length about the dangers of living in the slums of ones being. He was absolutely right, but his delivery suffered from the antique confusion about Awareness and personality. Many valid and extremely valuable systems are advanced by a modern understanding of the difference between consciousness and Awareness. To suggest to the personality that it should avoid certain unpleasant places in the labyrinth of the mind is not the same thing as pointing out that the personality is as mechanical as a wrist watch, and that Awareness is capable of holding the reins.

It is rather like a missing link in evolution. Systems with extreme sophistication have continued to appeal to the personality rather than making the radical observation that skepticism regarding the personality is an important first step. Awareness must separate, step back, from the personality if the desired metamorphosis is to occur.

The configurations of mind that determine our sense of self and which decide our wellbeing are usually dominated by mechanical forces which are decidedly mechanically-personal. The impersonal Awareness which is the substrate of consciousness is the force of life its self. The practice of meditation makes possible a dramatic shift in perspective: the intellectual map reflects the real landscape. As it is we see attempts to get to a new world using antique maps because they are venerable and because we don't know any better.

The mind is spacious, the personality is limited, Awareness is unfathomable.

When the spacious is infused with the unfathomable the limited rejoices.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Found this place as a result of a recommendation left by a reader over at Learning from Dogs. What a find!