Friday, October 26, 2012

The Gravity of the Situatiion

One of the perils of meditation is that there is an off chance one may undergo Satori. There is no return from the dropping of the veil, and for a person not intellectually prepared this can be devastating. The brutality, the greed, the stupidity, and the mendacity of the human animal is staggering in it's breadth and depth. It is not a pretty sight. By and large those in positions of authority are placed there by the cumulative naivete and cupidity of the less ambitious, and the pearls of culture are strung on a thread of violence. There is good and there is love, but we use such "good" and "love" as we find in ourselves to perfume the stench of death hanging over the planet.

We need a politic of enlightenment: outside of that its just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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