Saturday, April 14, 2012

Political Statement: a modest outlay of fact

Rape and pillage have advanced beyond the cold simple brutal physical realities: rape and pillage have become metaphor. However unfashionable old-school rape and pillage may be in the community of advance nations, hygienic rape and pillage retain their fascination for an amoral class of world wealth. The basic principle is the use of the power of social advantage to extract from the vulnerable their modest possessions and their powers of resistance.

Well-educated nice-people in expensive suits provide the guns and the bullets for the less sophisticated to murder each other over antique stereotypes and mineral rights. Well-educated nice-people in expensive suits provide the contractual paraphernalia for the emergence of the new-slavery in its latest incarnation: debt. Debt of individuals, and debt of nations.

The "newness" of old fashioned Darwinian exploitation is not only predictable: it is inevitable. Innovation is evil's way of keeping everything the same. And for the purpose of this tirade let's define "Evil" as the exploitation of others to their disadvantage.

The canonization of "Growth" as the mantra of progress is simply ridiculous. Growth is the mantra of cancer.

Human enlightenment is the inevitable progress of the awareness which is the substrate of all existence. Enlightenment has no agenda. But the agendas spontaneously rising from enlightenment are humanity's only hope for a decent future, and only the innovations emerging from enlightenment can seize the imagination of humanity in such a way as to make rape and pillage a mere shocking artifact of our savage rise from dumb matter.

Teach your children

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