As with all creatures human life has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The fact of duration and its inevitable vicissitudes gives rise to meaning. Just as in making a cup of coffee, what happens in the beginning influences what happens in the middle which determines the quality of the end. The experiential nature of quality is the foundation of meaning. Meanings are put together. All meanings have many moving parts. Living creatures are semipermeable membranes in a saturated solution: they absorb such meaning as they will, and are impervious to other potential meanings.
A living organism's existence takes place in a Gestalt: a dynamic interconnected flux of inevitability. Any aspect of inevitability will have different or no meaning from one organism to another and of course some categories of meaning have broader implication than others. The environment is a Gestalt saturated with meaning, and individual access to the sea of meaning is limited by both nature and nurture.
Our existence takes place in a meaning-saturated gestalt, and the future of humanity will be determined by the categories of meaning we access.
The Curvature of Space
in the curvature of space
the surface of the earth is a limited infinite plane
the center of which is everywhere
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