Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We find in the Buddhist lexicon some of the most wonderful words, and one of those wonderful words is "prajnaparamita". Prajnaparamita is a noun referring to a state of comprehension. The Sanskrit translates roughly to "wisdom, most high", but what is actually referred to is the state of "comprehension of things as they are".

Of course everyone automatically assumes that they perceive the world and themselves as they are. They do this without thinking, and yet their assumption is charged with thought. I mean.....when you think about it, is it possible that thought could encompass reality? Is the universe trapped in a coconut? Prajnaparamita is about comprehension, and comprehension is about intelligence interfacing it's environment. With the awakening of prajnaparamita ones humanness becomes translucent. Yes, one is fully human; but ones humanity is a vehicle in which the universe discovers its self. The darkness of matter spontaneously ignites: does the Sanskrit word Buddh means Light?

Well, let there be light.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Law of Accident

At what point does an automobile accident become inevitable? At what point does the formation of a raindrop, or a star, or new living being become inevitable? And why? All things happen because they have become inevitable, and the causal chain of events leading to said-happening starts with the beginning of the universe.

Humanity is blinded by the sense of purpose. It seems to us that we do things on purpose, and because of that we think everything (including the universe) must have a purpose. All of our purposes are an accident to the occurrence of our existence, and our existence is an accident made inevitable by the existence of the universe. Everything happens by accident, and the way we make things happen according to our "purpose" is by the articulation of accident.

An automobile engine is a system of trapped inevitability: a harnessing of accidental forces. The way any purpose is accomplished is by the articulation of those accidents which will result in the desired manifestation. We can start a fire with flint and steel. We can build an atom bomb. All this is harnessing the law of accident to fulfill our purpose.

To be filled with a sense of purpose, and blind to the law of accident is a naive and dangerous position for a clever animal. Is it possible that this little bit of universe could wake up, and accidentally freely will a better world?

Saturday, November 05, 2011

The Meaning Saturated Gestalt

As with all creatures human life has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The fact of duration and its inevitable vicissitudes gives rise to meaning. Just as in making a cup of coffee, what happens in the beginning influences what happens in the middle which determines the quality of the end. The experiential nature of quality is the foundation of meaning. Meanings are put together. All meanings have many moving parts. Living creatures are semipermeable membranes in a saturated solution: they absorb such meaning as they will, and are impervious to other potential meanings.

A living organism's existence takes place in a Gestalt: a dynamic interconnected flux of inevitability. Any aspect of inevitability will have different or no meaning from one organism to another and of course some categories of meaning have broader implication than others. The environment is a Gestalt saturated with meaning, and individual access to the sea of meaning is limited by both nature and nurture.

Our existence takes place in a meaning-saturated gestalt, and the future of humanity will be determined by the categories of meaning we access.

The Curvature of Space

in the curvature of space
the surface of the earth is a limited infinite plane

the center of which is everywhere