Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Children and the Doors of Perception

Happiness, sorrow, joy, rage, hate, love, compassion, disdain: are inner states that spontaneously arise in response to perceived relationships of self to outer world. Any impetus is reduced to a sharply limited repertoire of instinctual responses. In the same manner as red blue and yellow are the substrate of the plethora of color we see before us, a very few symbolic representations are responsible for the seemingly infinite variety of our inner experience. We can no more determine the way we will "feel" about something than we can choose the taste of food in our mouths. And in the same way we manipulate the taste of food with a spice of choice, we manipulate our feelings by draping ideas over experience to reconfigure "meaning".

This again brings us to the inestimable value of meditation. If our awareness can not not-think we have no way of recognizing our imaginary thumb on the scale of our perceptions, and therefore our tasting of the world will always be colored by predispositions that are invisible to us.

Meditation can cleanse the doors of perception: free us from what we have become, and see the children of the earth reborn as the children of the universe.


indolence of which one is aware

and indolence of which we are not aware

are poles apart

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