Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Monkey Factor

There are all kinds of dogs. There are all kinds of cats. There are all kinds of birds and all kind of bees. There are all kinds of monkeys. As animals go we are apes. And the only thing that will make us happy is the life that makes the ape that we are happy.

Perhaps we are unique in the animal world in that some of us are capable of a radical awareness that transcends the chipmunk-like unreflective consciousness we recognise as life even in paramecium. We are hypnotized by form, and fail to recognize in ourselves the endless awareness which is all manner of existences.

Would we castigate a Water Buffalo for not recognising the fact of its existence? No. Humanity has all ready specieated. If you have ever been in front of a dot matrix color-blindness test you will be in a position to recognise that you either see the dots or you don't. You can not connect dots that are invisible to you. We are animals. And we are as different amongst ourselves as wolves are to sheep.

People really are as confused as they appear to be. And if the universe should wake up in the space that you occupy my condolences. Its not much fun to be a wake-up monkey right now. Unless you content yourself with the monkey life.

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