Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hearing as Seeing, the Noise of Being

In the market today I couldn't avoid the sense that I was hearing the being of those around me. Just as each creature in its movements makes a sound, each creature in its existence is a noise in the silence of non-being. Civilization en-mass is rather like the roar of the 17 year locusts, and the sound of a given individual is the noise of its hopes and dreams, its disappointments, its weight of archetype, and the cacophony of its individuality.

We could be perceived as singing our selves into being. And though we are taught to sing certain songs, the song of our individuality can always be heard through the chorus by those who know how to listen. Most individuals are a source of random noise; the modern jazz of being I suppose. One finds greater and lesser degrees of harmony, but a being that strikes an awakened chord of being is a rare find.

Until we have met the silence that is the substrate of our existence we will never hear the sound that is the fact of our presence. All that exists is noise. Music is the product of integration. To hear the music of the spheres is to know ones self.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Slice and Dice a Bucket Full of Stress

The slice and dice guru guys crack me up. Last night on the TV the guy says that no one can bring him a bucket of stress. Well now. He says that there are only stressful ideas. Well I don't live in my head the way that he does, and I guarantee that if he would like a bucket full of stress, I can deliver.

The salesmen of self-hypnosis make a darn'd good living. The sick part is that they teach posture as being.

We are what we are. Perhaps we should start from there: discover ourselves before we launch off into some exercise of self improvement.

The Monkey Factor

There are all kinds of dogs. There are all kinds of cats. There are all kinds of birds and all kind of bees. There are all kinds of monkeys. As animals go we are apes. And the only thing that will make us happy is the life that makes the ape that we are happy.

Perhaps we are unique in the animal world in that some of us are capable of a radical awareness that transcends the chipmunk-like unreflective consciousness we recognise as life even in paramecium. We are hypnotized by form, and fail to recognize in ourselves the endless awareness which is all manner of existences.

Would we castigate a Water Buffalo for not recognising the fact of its existence? No. Humanity has all ready specieated. If you have ever been in front of a dot matrix color-blindness test you will be in a position to recognise that you either see the dots or you don't. You can not connect dots that are invisible to you. We are animals. And we are as different amongst ourselves as wolves are to sheep.

People really are as confused as they appear to be. And if the universe should wake up in the space that you occupy my condolences. Its not much fun to be a wake-up monkey right now. Unless you content yourself with the monkey life.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Fire Monkey

We are the fire monkeys
The smartest of them all

Noses itch same way ours do
They reach up and scratch-it: just like we do

We are the fire monkeys
No more
No less

Lest the substrate of our existence wake up in the space we occupy.