Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Personal Note

This blog is not about my personal life, but today is a good day for a personal note. When I moved to the woods after returning from the war, I committed myself to the cultivation of a sustainable life style. I hoped to find a way of life as close to nature as made sense. Well, its 32 degrees in the house right now and comfortable as can be. Its around 20 degrees outside, but the earth floor always keeps the house a bit warmer than ambient. The forest is covered in ice and it is quite beautiful. I have no waterpipes to freeze, and if it gets into the thirties today I'll open the windows. Of course I'm dressed like an eskimo, but that's why they dress that way. Its not for everyone, but I like it. I like taking it as it comes and being in it and of it.

Loss of services can have tragic implications for the service dependent, but every service we avail ourselves asks something of the earth.

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