Thursday, November 08, 2007

Counting From Zero

Considering the mystery of being is rather like a mathematical problem. In mathematics it is necessary to start counting not from one, but from zero. 

Most systems claiming some inside track on reality start their consideration from an arbitrary point: say, man as a spiritual being. This is tantamount to a mathematics that starts counting from, say….seven, or twenty one, or any other quite real number that has its true value only when the counting starts at zero. Starting from a pre-existing point of value shifts all subsequent value judgments, and makes it quite impossible to make any accurate declaration about anything other than heat and cold and similar self-descriptive elements of the real. 

All things must be compared to the existence of nothing at all.

Much Ado About Nothing

Between molecular atoms loosely hung by shared electrons is Nothing
Between the galaxies spinning in loose knit groups is Nothing interspersed with very little 

Born into Nothing and Nothing permitting it’s expansion 
This universe and all within must have a number

But there is no end to Nothing 

Nothing is beyond the reach of Nothing 
Nothing is everywhere 
Everywhere there is not something 
Nothing can be found 

In want of Nothing we lose the meaning of all things 

An insight gained to Nothing’s nature must be treated as a treasure 

For then 
We have Nothing to lose

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