Monday, December 04, 2006

A Word About Government

There is no reason to tax one's intellectual sensitivities over questions of government systems or government styles. Governments of all persuasions, left to their own devices, collapse from within due to the cumulative plying of advantage by individuals in positions of responsibility. The collective corruption of individuals is the greatest single threat to public well-being, and the best system that could be arranged for the conduct of civil affairs is one that provides checks against the private ambitions of public persons. Outside of this, any system will do that can get the mail delivered: which is to say that legitimate problem solving is the spontaneous domain of human genius, individually and collectively. 

We can trust the process only if we can trust the processors, and realizing that public scrutiny will interfere with their personal agendas, the true enemies of freedom and justice are like cancers that do not oppose the body: they merely wish to feed upon it. Vigorous openness is humanity's best hope. In such an environment political systems will find their rightful place as honest global sheepdogs.

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