Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Halloween

Though the emptiness of space within an individual atom vastly overawes the cumulative space occupied by protons, electrons, and neutrons; the world of our experience is one of hard facts. And in spite of the fact that all physical forms are comprised mostly of empty space, physical objects catastrophically fail to pass freely through one another. It has something to do with the rejection mechanism of like magnetic fields. And what about magnetic fields? They seem to pass freely in the fabric of space as an immaterial phenomenon: an immaterial phenomenon with influence that is widely utilized yet not understood. Awareness has properties similar to magnetic fields. It shares with magnetism an apparent immaterialism that is dependent upon arrangements of matter. And like magnetic fields awareness does not appear to have a granular structure. Awareness seems dependent upon nervous systems, but I suspect that the fact of awareness itself is one of space and not of matter in much the same manner as the magnetic field.

Using this vision of awareness as a starting place: if we imagine the field phenomenon of the awareness of any given creature, and then imagine away the physical structure that makes that awareness inevitable, suddenly all creatures look remarkably alike…… kind of like a Halloween sheet-ghost. Chipmunks and elephants: a glowing nodule trailing a diaphanous gown.

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