The problem with sex is, “Sex? No Problem!” In its complex socio-political rise from animal rutting, human sexuality has undergone a remarkable evolution of potential. There exists a spectrum of possibility running from the ridiculous to the sublime.
Sex has its roots in the collective unconscious, and even in this august creation, humanity, there it must remain. Rooted in the collective unconscious, sexuality blindsides both the best and the worst of us. Everywhere you find us you will find us two by two: all but without exception every human being on the face of the earth is the product of male orgasm upon the instinctual object of its fascinations. That female orgasm is a more subtle science speaks to the fact that it is not necessary to procreation. That said, without question female sexuality must be the complement in its urgency to that of the male.
Homo sapiens is considered the thinking animal, but there is another way of thinking about this. The frontal lobe is as much a spiritualizing faculty as an image-producing machine, and the distinction might be made that humanity is the spiritual animal. That those who deny themselves the luxury of imaging a God may still confront a spiritually charged mystery speaks to the fact that religious forms emerge from a spiritual incline, and not the other way around. Perhaps religion reduces to collected thought-forms emerging from a spontaneously spiritual creature. And perhaps it is wholly natural that a spontaneously spiritual humanity would put an anthropocentric spin on the mystery that the seed of unknowable matter is the Father of all knowable form in the otherwise unknowable empty Womb of space.
But we are speaking here of sex, and the configuration of human sexual experience. There is no need to delve into behavior. The thoughts, yearnings, and compulsions peculiar to the sexual impulse are familiar to all, and for every individual find their own historically statistical constellation. The behaviors specific to sex are limited; the meaning generated by the exercise of these behaviors is not. Looking at some examples of sexual behavior the thought occurs, “As a thing to do, no one would pick that out of a catalogue.” As in masochism: would an unsoiled being surveying a menu of human potential say, “Yes! I’ll just have that masochist thing?” Someone schooled in the subtle secrets of masochism perhaps (consenting adults and all that).
As for me, give me a sexual existence that is awakened; where the sexual transaction becomes ground for a decidedly spiritual conversation. Until naked spirits intertwine we are ever clothed in personalities and touch only through the burlap of our humanness. Humanness can be seen as soil, which exists that the Universe might grow souls upon it. And the flower of an enlightened sexuality (which can be discovered only from within the fragile prism which is precisely its coming into being) is destined to bear what fruit?
Untitled Love Poem #33
the light reflected from a leaf
and the light from your eyes
are they the same
it cannot be
even as I am
light must be changed
for having touched you
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