Friday, July 21, 2006

Rumplestiltskin: Identification

The demon whose name you know has no power over you. The question is identification, and what within us we call by our name. To behaviors dictated by the latent contents of the unconscious mind should we say, “I do this?” Is there such a thing as free-will? What is the who?

The seat of identity can be variously placed, In most cases the seat of identity is in the personality. While not wrong or reprehensible or a crime against human dignity, such configuration has no more genuine self-awareness than a chipmunk. Such an identity is in the surface of being: and the surface is just as real as the depths. If the depths move, the surface moves. If the surface moves, the depths feel the jiggle. Freedom, justice, and the urge to integrity, spring from the inmost core of our humanity, and will present themselves at the surface. The bad that is evil, is evil precisely because it is not superficial.

Might the seat of identity be found in a different aspect of being? Say, the awareness? An analogy can be found in the computer. We will give a computer a sense of identity: the seat of identity can be in function (the personality), or in the electric fields that produce function (awareness). We have the merest approximation, but made explicable by this analogy is: when the electricity is awake the configuration of the hardwiring is self apparent. When the seat of the consciousness is in the awareness, the collective-unconscious-mind no longer has the luxury of living in the dark and calling itself by our name.

What is the Who 

“Who are you to say?” 

Tell me what is the who 

And I’ll answer your question 

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