What do we mean by "self discovery"? How far do we wish to delve into the mystery of our selves. Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung were pioneers in the same way as Danial Boone: where once an Indian trail crossed the Cumberland Gap there is now a four lane highway. Without having scratched the surface how will be plumb the depths.
In this narrative, of now however many years, I have tried to point out the stratigic importance of meditation. There is absolutely no doubt that the ordinary untrained mind is overwhelmed by the white noise of animal nature. This would be fine if it weren't for proliferation and for the violence inherent in the creature that we are.
It is not shocking that we fuck and that we kill each other. We've done all that from the dawn of time. Yet as a being we are the soil from which an entirely new animal might emerge. An animal that, though an unapologetical biological being, perceives its self with utmost clarity.
And that's a start.