It occurs to me that the "Holy Ghost" of Christianity and the "Buddha Nature" of classical Buddhism are one and the same.
The "Bird Path" is a phrase used by seventh century Zen Buddhists to describe the way in which each
personality diverges in a unique manner from the core of being: hence unique each individual's path to that core.
The Bird Path.
It occurs to me that the "Holy Ghost" of Christianity and the "Buddha Nature" of classical Buddhism are one and the same.
It has been remarked in fables and philosophies that the world is a stage and we must play our part.
This is absolutely true.
From birth, through narrative and inculcation, we are trained to our roles. There is no aspect of cultural being that is not charged with, and dominated by, roles which have become normative by way of social evolution. One individual is a potentate another is a peasant. Had these individuals been born into other circumstances the structures of their lives would be correspondingly different. There exists a cultural eco-system populated with creatures adapted to every niche and cranny.
The question before us is what is it that finds itself so adaptable.
Our roles, our personalities, our pride and our prejudices, are garments woven by the creature that we are in response to the vagaries of its existence.
What is the Who?
In the ascent of the Universe to self recognition through the vehicle of Life's ongoing sophistication of Awareness, humanity is merely a moment of convenience.
So near
Yet so far.