Thursday, September 09, 2021

The Perception of No Mind

A silent Mind becomes the ears and eyes of Awareness. 

 Mind is a configured state of Awareness and when Awareness is configured, a state of tension exists that makes impossible the suppleness necessary to the more subtile aspects of perception. 

 No Mind does not imply the absence of Awareness.  Though a necessary and valuable tool, Mind is an abridgment of Awareness.

 The hand must guide the tool.

About Gnats

A world in which gnats exist is not made more remarkable by the existence of humanity.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Nuts and Bolts


Though necessary and celebratory, consciousness is patently superficial. Like the skin of any animal, consciousness is an interface and a protective layer. It is a conditioned state of Awareness that is made inevitable and necessary by the vicissitudes of existence, and the Awareness of any organism is generally found wholly identified with its animal consciousness.

But animal existence is the garden in which the Awareness of the Universe distills and refines itself to the state of Self Recognition. When the Universe awakens to Self Recognition in its progeny this is called Enlightenment. Awakened Awareness clearly recognizes consciousness as superficial and consciousness becomes more or less subsumed by an Awareness that transcends what is normally considered consciousness.

One side affect of this is that we find individuals with abundant potential who are hypnotized by consciousness and who therefore never become properly Aware.

Consciousness is individual.

Awareness is Universal

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Chance Favors the Prepared

Recently there was an article in the health section of one of the news services concerning psychological problems resulting from the practice of "mindfulness". Some issues were the emergence of unpleasant memories, and an emotional leveling in which the individual no longer experienced strong emotions negatively or positively.

These "problems" come from using the method without a requisite intellectual preparation, and it is unfortunate because these "problems" indicate that this or that particular person was actually achieving something: actually getting somewhere. Silencing the mind enables repressed content to bubble to the surface, and if the practitioner is alert and prepared, that which has been repressed like leaves pressed in the pages of a book, can be digested, composted: the repressed element can be reintegrated and become a source of growth. Those reporting diminished emotional intensity, well duh, emotional intensity is seldom a sign of maturity of soul. Awareness is sufficient.

So in an odd way this is a demonstration of the efficacy of meditation. It works even if you don't know what you are doing or why. And it is a shame that these individuals came so close to change of being only to walk away, not recognizing a valuable opportunity: mistaking gold for brass.

Chance favors the prepared.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Ten Bulls: the Obvious Becomes Apparent


There is nothing the least poetic about "The Ten Bulls". "The Ten Bulls" is an utterly prosaic description of the state of an Awareness wholly identified with animal-mind discovering the Self.

The fact that this reality was noted and codified well over one thousand years ago says something about humanities marginal powers of observation.

Enlightenment is simply a matter of the obvious becoming apparent.

Sunday, January 03, 2021



The mind is not a labyrinth. The mind is a system of hallways designed to lead an enchanted Awareness into the ways of the world. Seen from above our humanity is warren of ancient pathways leading to various rewards that most generally serve the needs and appreciations of the creature that we inhabit. The Universe is thus served by the production and emanation of vibrations completely foreign to the material world.

The only new thing in the Universe is the experience of living organisms. The paramecium, the earthworm, the elephant, all generate what we might call "life", and the creation of new vibrations common only to life is the Universes way of feeding.

Enlightenment is an entirely personal matter, but I rather suspect that the Universe may find the vibrations delicious.