Friday, January 24, 2020

About Being Understood

It is not necessary to be understood. What is necessary is to come to understand oneself. And if you come to understand your Self you will come to know how ludicrous it is to expect to be understood in a world where one who knows the Self is seldom encountered.

What is possible is to be kind and considerate.

Under the Streetlight

Perhaps you are familiar with the joke concerning the fellow who searched for his keys under a streetlight after losing them in the dark "because there is more light here". Well that is the perfect analogy for those who seek Enlightenment in the domains of the personality.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Field of Enlightenment

The field form which is the substance of our individual awareness exists between "things". The thing we are born into has a library of forms that is ancient and sufficient to its natural needs. In the process of maturation this library of forms is enriched through the vehicle of experience, and experience exists as field shape in the tissue of the brain. Memory is an assuming by the field of awareness, previously known shapes using the architecture of the brain as a frame to stretch upon. Intuition is the action of forms suggesting themselves by association and by force of subtle external emanations.

The Enlightenment sought in Buddhism is no less than this field awakening and becoming the seat of Identity. The field of Awareness is not a material thing and exists in the space between things.