Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Meditation as Field, Zen as Flower

It is not uncommon that an individual experience a spontaneous breakthrough to Awareness only to lose that opportunity for a shift in being, in a drift back to normalcy. They had an "experience". For what ever reason they slipped into the experience of a higher reality. This "experience" is remembered like a dream, and they go on about their lives unchanged.

Meditation is a preparation just like the tilling of a field. Without the cultivation of emptiness the natural press of creature hood will subsume the seeds of Enlightenment when they spontaneously emerge.

An ancient master once remarked "Meditation is the brick with which we knock at the door".

Monday, March 18, 2019


There are several threads that run concomitantly in stitching the fabric of history. It is no accident that mankind is the most successfully violent creature on earth. And it is also inevitable that the intelligence fueling that violence evolve to the state of self contemplation.

It is thought by some that the reason we hear no voice when we listen for a call of life from distant stars is that those creatures aggressive enough come to dominate their home planet destroy themselves as soon as they have the necessary technology. Be that as it may, it can be seen that as that intelligence which fuels violence sprung from the darkness of the earth swells to it's crescendo, a counter punctual light of self realization, spontaneously struck by that same intelligence, begins to glow.

That glow is the universe awakening to its self. We call it Enlightenment.


Friday, March 01, 2019


All existence is material existence: a  stone, an electromagnetic wave, an idea: material existence. The material existence which is the fabric of the universe exists in sublime simultaneity. The field of play of this sublime simultaneity is nothingness. All things are enfolded in nothingness, and therefore in communion.
