Saturday, March 03, 2018

Zen and Culture

Culture is in every case a drape over the simple imperatives of the animal that we are. The drape of culture creates a sense of place in the unformed jungle of genetic imperatives and is the inevitable press of knowing. Culture is not inherently good or bad, but the emergence of culture is inherently inevitable as the mind brings order to the perceived world.

The ultimate nature of Zen transcends culture. Where we find what might be called a culture of Zen we see the superficial accoutrements necessary to access, in the manner of signage that directs one to the nearest bathroom. This, and the fact that the immediate experience common to enlightened beings is one where the obvious is simply apparent, gives the appearance of culture where there is simply a direct accord with the obvious.

Those who drape themselves in a culture of Zen have configured Zen into a trap and a stumbling block. They are proudly stuck in costume at the door.

Of course there is another way of looking at this. Enlightenment transcends culture and Zen is a culture conducive to Enlightenment.