To those who have not experienced the Transformation, and to those who have been caught by surprise, it may seem that satori will solve their personal problems. This is not the case.
Satori does not banish the animal mind. Satori floods the animal mind with light. The ancient parable of the "Ten Bulls" gives us an historical recognition of the shock of the new, and the Hindu tales of the "Magic Carpet" and the "Wish Fulfilling Gem" are all about the fruition of self discovery.
Meditation is not about discipline. Meditation is a discipline necessary to the cultivation of a silent mind, and a silent mind is necessary to the awakening of Awareness.
Idle fascinations and petty irritations have their roots in the archetype laden labyrinth of the unconscious mind. They are elements of a preconscious animal existence that cloaks its self in a personality, and suspects no "self" higher than its immediate personal experience. This is utterly natural and it is not for the "Enlightened" to criticize the behavior of the unenlightened.
The difficulty of those who have by hook or by crook entered the startling realm of light to accept that this realm of light to which they have entered finds them still in the sway of the primitive impulse can be discouraging, and at worst this leads to an affectation of elitism that dissolves into retrograde
Do not resent your humanity. Befriend your humanity. It is the magic carpet. It is the magic gem. The urge to elitism is in fact the sway of your humanity, and a dodge back into the shade.