There is much philosophical conjecture about the realness of reality these days. Rene Descartes' dog forever chasing its tail. Regardless of what we think about it, existence it just as it it. And if it amuses some individuals to dissect it like the frogs in some 101 Biology class: far out.
The western atomistic inquiry into the subtleties of existence will always disappear into the fog of an ephemeral Absolute. There is no right answer to the wrong question. All the blather about "mind" and "matter" is an inquiry into the nature of a stone. This has a certain utility: this stone will make an arrowhead.....that one can be squeezed for oil. Industriousness depends upon fragmentation. And as to whether the stone has an abject existence independent of an observer, well it's pistols at dawn.
It is grotesquely unrealistic to imagine that an understanding of Suchness and Emtiness would satisfy the atomist's need for certainty, but the simple fact of the matter is: once Suchness and Emtiness are encountered there is nothing more to say.