Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Hand We Are Dealt

There is no-one on the surface of the earth who is not subject to the person that they are. And by and large we all have a head full of ideas. For the most part these ideas are historical artifacts of a by-gone age. We are all playing the hand we've been dealt.

History's game has played its self out.

If there is any future for humanity it will come only from laying the cards on the table and admitting that the deck has been stacked, and that all ideas are imaginary.

It is not to be expected that humanity at large should awaken. But those of us who are awake must recognize the hand we've been dealt.

For instance: the patriarchal murder form of problem-solving is something that can only be put in the past by recognizing it for what it is. In our supposed modern superiority we have lost the ever present truth of mere existence.

The wild card is that the Universe might awaken in its progeny.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Endless Sleep

It is not uncommon that dreams are remembered. And of course dreams forgotten are dreams not futile but ephemeral. There are those dreams that on awakening drift away even as we grab pen to rope them down, but what can be said of those dreams never remembered. They can not be thought of because they did not enter into consciousness. We know they exist because we know they must exist.

We wake in a sweat, and know not why. It seems a taste of lingering dream is bitter on our soul's tongue but all images are occult. Do any imagine that they are immune to the sway of human nature? Those dreams to which we cannot admit are the dross of the possible and the inevitable sway of the mind of the animal.

Various systems have come up with various colorful metaphors. From the Hindu "mad monkey", to Gurdjieff's "It" those who see "IT" have tried to lead others to the trough of truth. The most amusing element of the whole bit is that seeing clearly broaches no exemption. Should the iron of the casting awaken it will not be exempt from its form.

The shallow promises of religious tropes short circuit any hope for enlightenment. It is a nightclub where all phantasies are respected.

Bring your metaphor, your belief, your desperate hope, your tradition, you will not be turned away.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Dangerous Operators

There is no operators manual for the awareness inhabiting a human animal. These awareness are born into the jungle to sleeping progenitors and fed a diet of ideas guaranteed to cost them half a lifetime to digest (let alone evacuate).

When Chuang Tzu remarked that teachings of diligence and reverence lead to indolence and debauchery he made note of the clever way idea has of replacing intuition. The obvious has been apparent (to those for whom it is apparent) for thousands of years, but it has yet to become fashionable.

There seems to be no way to explain to the mad monkey that all it is identified with is just monkey business, no more, no less.

I guess calculus is not for the average six year old. And they should be protected from operating dangerous machines such as governments.