Culture writ large is a Rorschach blot. We see the face of the new in the timeless splotches of the human psyche. Many years ago when my children were in grammar school they would recount to me some "naughty" joke they had heard, and I realized that some sexual material lives in the fourth grade. A continual parade of young people move through the period of life that represents "the fourth grade". Young people enter this period and they leave it behind, but the joke lives in the fourth grade, and without the fourth grade it would cease to exist. These "jokes" are an expression of the sexual quickening inevitable in the human animal. There is no new way to be.
Positions of power, celebrity, opprobrium, continually reinvent themselves. It is a practical exercise in the principle of reincarnation, and if one were to wish for machine of perpetual motion one need look no further. At the moment of birth we are swallowed by the cultural anaconda, and though we evolve in place in our moment of being the anaconda keeps moving. Eventually it will leave us behind. Which begs the question, does the Ouroboris really ever leave anything behind.