Awareness has no choice but to fill the space defined by its form; and finding self in form, accrue identity. The central fact of enlightenment is the potential for awareness to awaken existentially and then to pre-empt the biological self as the center of its existence. And far from de-potentizing the limited expressions of being human, the awakened intelligence finds its self in a garden of wondrous potential.
So what happens when the inevitable friction with environment pops the balloon? Certainly not some atmospheric reiteration of the cosmic wiener-dog.
Noticeable Change Seeking Repose
conditioned cycles of behavior
should they evaporate
what would be left of us
we who can only with great effort retain a focus
at odds with the dictates of the unconscious
we whose most cherished thoughts
are but the shadow of our being
in the light of reality
it is notice
that by saturation illuminates our being
notice is precursor to all true freedom
and powers premature of notice
idea is her novice
and genius is her adept
and though we may juggle well the ideas of others
it is what we have noticed
that is our own
in the swirling billions of galaxies
what takes notice
before this mystery unfold all questions